Books in Manuscript a Short Introduction to Their Study And Use With a Chapter

Cover Books in Manuscript a Short Introduction to Their Study And Use With a Chapter
Genres: Nonfiction
Text extracted from opening pages of book: ooks m Marni A Short Introduction to their Study and Use. With a Chapter on Records By Falconer Madan, M. A. Fellow of Brasenose College Lecturer in Mediaeval Palaeography in the University of Oxford , , OS O3 s KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., LTD, V AW V < , K K T CHARLES SCRIBNER J S SONS. MDCCCXCIH. Books in Manuscript BOOK OF KELLS ( 7TH CENT., IRISH) Preface THIS work is Intended to be a plain account of the study and use of manuscripts, such as will interest both the amateur who may possess manu script treasures, but may lack the time or oppor tunity to go deeply into the subject, and the student who may wish to have a clear view of the character and methods of the study, before entering on the details of palaeography and textual criticism. There is, therefore, little room for original matter, or for references to substantiate the statements made ; but the writer has attempted to be precise as well as plain, and to avoid exaggeration and prolixity. If the book leads collectors of manuscripts, or students either of the classics or of historical records, to take a keener and more intelligent interest in their work, his object will be attained. The writer's best thanks are due to the editor of the series, Mr, A. W. Pollard, of the British Museum, for both general and specific help; to the Rev. O. W. Minns for permission to make vi Preface use. of a forthcoming account of the library at Titchfield Monastery, and to the publishers of the Encyclopedia Britannica and Mr. H. R. Tedder ( who has kindly corrected the details) for allowing him to construct Appendix A from their copyright material. The majority of the illustrations have been taken from Oxford manuscripts, in order to secure the exceptional advantages afforded by the photo graphic department now attached to the Clarendon Press. R MADAN. April 1893. Contents PAGE CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY, CHAPTER II MATERIALS FOR WRITING, AND FORMS OF BOOKS, . . 5 CHAPTER III THE HISTORY OF WRITING, 18 CHAPTER IV SCRIBES AND THEIR WAYS, 32 CHAPTER V ILLUMINATIONS, 47 CHAPTER VI THE BLUNDERS OF SCRIBES AND THEIR CORRECTION, . 59 CHAPTER VII FAMOUS LIBRARIES, 75 CHAPTER VIII FAMOUS MANUSCRIPTS, 92 viii Contents I'AGB CHAPTER IX LITERARY FORGERIES, 112 CHAPTER X TREATMENT AND CATALOGUING OF MANUSCRIPTS, . . 137 CHAPTER XI PUBLIC AND PRIVATE RECORDS, 150 APPENDIX A, 163 APPENDIX B, iG6 APPENDIX C, 175 INDEX, , 183 --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
Books in Manuscript a Short Introduction to Their Study And Use With a Chap...
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