Canada And Other Poems

Cover Canada And Other Poems
Genres: Fiction » Poetry

"Canadian poetry is poetry written in Canada, by Canadians. There are three distinct branches of Canadian poetry: French-Canadian poetry (mostly written by Quebecois authors), First Nations poetry and English-Canadian poetry." (Quote from of Contents Publisher's Preface; Preface; New Year's Day; To A Canary; Autographs; Is There Room For The Poet?; Man And His Pleasures; David's Lamentation Over Saul And Jonathan; The Diamond And The Pebble; Temptation; Slander; Woman; Sympathy; Love And Wine; How Nature's Beauties Should Be viewed; Niagara Falls; A Sabbath Morning In The Country.; John And Jane; Things Mysterious; The Pine Tree; Autumn; Christmas; Canada; Youthful Fancies; Happiness; Love; Hate; Display; Thought; Purity; Farewell; Ireland; By The Lake; Louis Riel; Lines On The North-west Rebellion; The Teacher; The Indian.; To Nova Scotia; A Snow Storm; Catching Speckled Trout; The Huntsman And His Hound; Grace Darling; A Dream; The Tempest Stilled; The School-taug


ht Youth; The Truant Boy; The Fisherman's Wife; Ye Patriot Sons Of Canada; A Protestant Irishman To His Wife; Nature's Forces Ours; The Reading Man; A virtuous Woman; Man; Life; A Hero's Decision; Ode To Man; A Swain To His Sweetheart; Thanksgiving Day; A Sunset; The Maple Tree; Goderich; Verses Written In Autograph Albums; Sunrise; Lines In Memory Of The Late Ven. Archdeacon Elwood, A.m.; St. Patrick's DayAbout the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion and Mythology. http://www.forgottenbooks.orgForgotten Books is about sharing knowledge, not about making money. Our books are priced at wholesale prices. We print in large sans-serif font, which is proven to make the text easier to read and put less strain on your eyes. Happy reading!

Canada And Other Poems
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