Chinese Fairy Tales

Cover Chinese Fairy Tales
Genres: Nonfiction

THE MAGIC PILLOWOne day, an old priest stopped at a wayside inn to rest, spread out his mat, and sat down with his bag. Soon afterwards, a young fellow of the neighbourhood also arrived at the inn, he was a farm-labourer and wore 6hort clothes, not a long robe like the priest and men who read books. He took a seat near to the priest and the two were soon laughing and talking together. By and by, the young man cast a glance at his own rough dress and said with a sigh, "See, what a miserable wretch I am." " You seem to me well fed and healthy enough," replied the priest; " why in the middle of our pleasaot chat do you suddenly complain of being a miserable wretch?" " What pleasure can I find/' retorted the young man, "in this life of mine, working every day as 1 do from early morn to late at night ? I should like to be a great general and win battles, or to be a rich man and. have fine food and wine, and listen to good music, or to be a great man at court and help our Emperor Table of Co


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Chinese Fairy Tales
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