Chronicles (1 of 6): the Historie of England (2 of 8)

Cover Chronicles (1 of 6): the Historie of England (2 of 8)
Genres: Nonfiction
excerpt from the book...Hitherto haue we spoken of the inhabitants of this Ile before the commingof Brute, although some will néeds haue it, that he was the first whichinhabited the same with his people descended of the Troians, some fewgiants onelie excepted whom he vtterlie destroied, and left not one ofthem aliue through the whole Ile. But as we shall not doubt of Brutescomming hither, so may we assuredly thinke, that he found the Ile peopledeither with the generation of those which Albion the giant had placedhere, or some other kind of people whom he did subdue, and so reigned aswell ouer them as ouer those which he brought with him.
Chronicles (1 of 6): the Historie of England (2 of 8)
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