Immunity And Specific Therapy

Cover Immunity And Specific Therapy
Genres: Nonfiction

IMMUNITY SPECIFIC THERAPY - 1909 - PREFACE - IN writing this book I have. attempted to give a. connected and symmetrical outline of the chief facts definitely known with regard to the method in which the body rotectsit self against infections, and of their applications in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of disease. It is not written in support of the views of any particular school of thought, and, when dealing with subjects still under discussion, I have tried to give a fair and impartial, though necessarily succinct, account of each of the rival theories. The factors in many of the problems of immunity are so complex, and our knowledge of the subject grows and alters so rapidly, that it is quite impossible to deal with it dogmatically at the present time. I have kept in view, as far as possible, the requirements of the physician and surgeon who may require an epitome of the theoretical basis of the modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, now assuming so much importance, an


d of the student who desires a general survey. of the subject before commencing more advanced studies. My best thanks are due to Mr. H. K. Lewis for the ready and courteous way in which he has acceded to all my suggestions and . requirements to Drs. Whitfield and Briscoe, from whom I have received. some valuable suggestions and to Professor Herbert Jackson, of Kings College, for kindly reading the sections dealing with the more purely chemical and physical questions and for much useful information connected therewith. I have also to thank Sir Almroth Wright and Drs. R. TV. Allen, Eyre, - and Bolduan Messrs. Macmillan and Co., Kegan Paul and Co., and the proprietors of the Larcet, British MedicaZJozcmaZ, and the Sf BavthoZo izews HosPitaZ JouvnaZ for permission to use illustrations from their publications. C O N T E N T S CHAPTER GLOSS. RY I. ISTRODUCTOIIY , SD GESEII. 4L . 11. OS THE SATVIIE OF T O S I N S . 111. TIIE PHEXO IESA OF ANTITOXIN 170R I. TIOY I-. INTERRE. 4CTIONS OF TOXIN AND ANTITOSIN 1.. THE ORIGIX OF ANTITOXIS-THE SIDE-CIIAIN Yr. I M I I J N I T Y TO TOXINS . VIJ. HACTERIOLYSIS ASD ALLIED PHEXOSIEX. 4 VII. T H E AGGLUTININS IS. THE P R E C I P I T I S S X. PHAGOCYTOSIS . XI. REACTIONS ASD SIMILAR PHEXOMEN. 1 XII. COLLOIDAL THEORY 01 ANTIGODIES . XIII. ON IXIMUSITY TO BACTERIA XIV. PR. CTICAL APPLICATIONS THEORY. UlULIOGR. APHY . LIST OF AUTHORITIES . IKDES . ERRATA Page g, line 5 from bottom, ontit to after - cytes. ,, 14, line 13, for rather of read than with. ,, 36, line 22, for of read to. , 45, line 29, for antitoxin read toxin. ,, 48, line 14, for became read become line 25, for united with read injured. ,, 52, line 10. for supernatural read supernatant. , , 55. line 4 from bottom, for properties read effects. ,, 57, line I, for is read are bottom line, insert upon njtev toxins, and for defends read depends. ,, 70. line 6. for hzemoglobin read hzemolysin. ,, 78, lines 17 and 19, for C. C. read parts and line 18, for 16.6 C. C. read I 16.6 parts. ,, 79, top line, for antitoxin read toxin. ,, go, line 22, for toxin read antitoxin. ,, 91, line 18, for tvxic read neutral line 26, . . 93, line 22, for injection read infection. ovzit as. , , 106, line 26, for it read the toxin ,, 107, line 21, for to tetanus antitoxin read of tetanus toxin. ,, 110, line g, for antitoxin read toxin. ,, 122, line 3. for toxin read antitoxin. ,, 128, line 20, for leucocytes read bacteria ingested. ,, 129, line 3 from bottom, for toxin read antitoxin. . , , , 152, line 7, for joined read formed. 1 71. line 10, for rabbit read goat. ,, 192, line 30. for nephrotoxin read hepatotoxin. ,, 220, line 7 from bottom, joy they read it. , , 2...

Immunity And Specific Therapy
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