
Cover Lies
Series: Gone (#3)

It's been seven months since every one of the grown-ups vanished. It happens in one night. A young lady who kicked the bucket now strolls among the living; Zil and the Human Crew set flame to Perdido Beach; and in the midst of the flames and smoke, Sam sees the kid's figure he fears the most: Drake. However, Drake is dead. Sam and Caine crushed him alongside the Darkness.
The Lies book is astounding. A much more slender read than its forerunners, Grant's third offering packs such a great amount of perfection into each page that any plausibility of the shorter length being a deterrent to the narrating is squashed inside of the initial couple of sections. It may not be long, but rather it's a damn decent story.
In the event that one thing Grant knows how to do exceedingly well, it's weaving an intriguing and interesting story. With Lies, the story is much darker than past portions. An advancements' portion here are dreadful. Some unimaginable lines are crossed. A few characters and sce


nes incensed and dismayed me forever. Yet not once does it ever feel unwarranted or pointless. It basically works, and it does as such splendidly.
Give additionally proceeds with his pattern of hauling out turns so rapidly that the reader has no time at all to recoup from one preceding the following comes around and slaps you senseless. Most are totally sudden and add interesting new layers to the already complex world building.

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User Reviews:

Warren135 6 years ago

This series of books, well-written, seems to incorporate ideas from other authors like Stephen King (Under the Dome) and the "Rapture" series (Left Behind) and most notably "The Lord of the Flies". However, I enjoyed reading the first three books and look forward to reading the rest of the series. I give it a 10-star rating.

Guest 7 years ago

This is a good book. I listened to it on and the guy didn't read it very good. So I read it by myself and it was much better.

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

yeah its real lit
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