Opening the Oyster a Story of Adventure

Cover Opening the Oyster a Story of Adventure
Genres: Fiction » Literature

CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE A Delmonico Dinner and a Proposal.-The Contracts . . . . . . . 11 CHAPTER 11. The Start. - A Heroic Remedy. - Tramp Life. - Chicago . . . . . . 24 CHAPTER 111. The Life of a Railroad Clerk. - Westward Ho I - Captain Chambers . . 39 CHAPTER IV. San Francisco. - Hard Luck in the Sierras. - The California Desert. - The Old Man of the Mountains. - A Tumble . . . . . . . 52 CHAPTER V. An Earthly Paradise and an Houri. - Life on the Ranch. - An Amendment to the Contract. - A Spanish Romeo. - A Skeleton in the Closet. - Off for the South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 CHAPTER VI. On Horseback through Mexico. - An Encounter with Highwaymen. - A Recognition. - A New Companion. - City No. 3 . . . -. . . 95 CHAPTER VII. Havana and Horace. - The First Sea-voyage. - A Discussion. - Suspicions. - The Pampero. - Buenos Ayres. - Riding against Time . . 116 CHAPTER VIII. The Passage of the Cumbre. - A Faint-hearted Arriero. - Lost in the Storm. - Once more the Pacific.


- l1 A Bird in the Handv . . . 133 8 CONTENTS CHAPTEK IX. PAGE Fore the Mast. - A Man Overboard. - A Mathematical Problem. - . An Enemy on Board. - Honolulu. - The Solution of the Problem, and an Unexpected Disclosure.-Manilla . . . . . . . . . . 149 CHAPTER X. Presentiments. - Australia. - The Gold-fields. - Great Luck. - A Mid night Visit. - Jose 3liguel again. - Fickle Fortune . . . . . . . 168 CHAPTER XI. Second ind. - Japan and China. - A Carefully Constructed Trap . . . 18j CHAPTER XII. Calcutta. - The Working of the Trap. - An Indian Drug and a Rescue . 198 CHAPTER XIII. A Friend in Need. - A Desperate Undertaking. - The Heart of Central Asia. - Oriental Treachery. - An Inventory. - An Encounter with Turcomans. - The Steed of the Desert . . . . . . . . . . 21 I CHAPTER XIV. Through the Mountains. - Catching a Guide. - Living on the Country. - Teheran and a Velcome. - On our Feet again . . . . . . . . 2 28 CHAPTER XV. The City of the Caliphs. - Morley. - The Syrian Desert. - .-ln Unfortunate Postman. - The King of Beasts. - A Mound of Sand and its Strange Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 CHAPTER XVI. Damascus. - Thalassa -Jerusalem and Egypt. - We hare seen Captain Chambers. Look out for Miguel - A Pyramid Adventure. - The Trail of the Serpent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 CHAPTER XVII. A Classic Voyage. - Constantinople. - Transylvania and Snow-drifts. - Pesth and Pestilence. - A Gypsy Camp and a Narrow Escape. - Our Little Blonde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 76 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVI I I. PAGE A big Undertaking which proves unexpectedly advantageous. - lalage. - StroUmg Minstrels. - Vienna, and News from Morley. - Southward to Trieste. - The Yacht Rover, and a Proposal. - En route to land.-Elmhurst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E . ng-. 296 CHAPTER XIX. The Steamer Alliance. - Running the Blockade. - 111-fated Lima. - The Battle of Chorillos. - A Midnight Flitting. - Old England again 312 CHAPTER XX. Paris and Reunion. - A Philosopher of the Latin Quarter. - Eavesdropping. - The Campaign opened. - Capture of the Outposts. - Our Old Enemy brought to bay. - An Apparition and an Explanation. - Again Captain Chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 CHAPTER XXI. Father and Daughter. - Captain Chamberss-Story. - A Rush around Europe. - Our Old Friend Dan. - Home again...

Opening the Oyster a Story of Adventure
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