The Animal-Lover's book of Beastly Murder

Cover The Animal-Lover's book of Beastly Murder
Genres: Fiction
What a brilliant concept - a book of short stories that champions abused animals for killing and maiming the humans who wronged them! Now that's something I would like to see happen in real life. Because animals are so often let down by our "human" justice system, it's a delicious treat to read stories where animals come out on top. There is the cunning cat who looks on quietly from the shadows as his owner's rotten boyfriend falls to his death. There is an army of hamsters prepared to defend their home at any cost, and a mouse out for blood after being cruelly disfigured by a group of thoughtless boys. I thought that "Chorus Girl's Absolutely Final Performance" was the most moving tale of all, while "Engine Horse" was the most difficult to endure because it involved the senseless murder of a kitten. While this compilation will not suit every taste, for me it was worth the discovery.
The Animal-Lover's book of Beastly Murder
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Guest 7 years ago

What?! (To frist comment)

Guest 7 years ago

Is Good Book.

Guest 7 years ago

Her green eyes shone wistfully. “Your life has already changed,” she told him.
This changed everything because his life changeed bat gray did not keel him turtle did and hawk and clear id not do anything so clear just keeled the kid and the kid es ded now. So grey and turtle have kids but turtle is cheting on him on a keteypeet. keeteypete is beeter dan grey bc grey did nut have kiddos with turtel. Slaet is ded no grey deds after the book bat he has kiddos but not with turtel but with sleet. Sleeet is his tru lov bc he did nor have kids qw turtle but with sleet. Beesfrs no worse book because he ded “Why would they do that?” Clear Sky snapped. “They only want prey.”
cleaar does have kiar ds but he hates him and clear and rogues and team up to defeat them,

Guest 7 years ago

I like M-murder

Guest 7 years ago

Who knows Ariana Grande And Elisabeth Gullies
There my favourite singers/Actor's
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Guest 7 years ago

I recommend to put more war and a little of violence

Guest 6 years ago

what the....

Guest 7 years ago

more BLOOD
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Guest 7 years ago

worst book i have ever read, watching paint dry is more entertaining

Guest 6 years ago

i love nathinal brewer and i know what school he goes to but i go to burnhiem

Guest 7 years ago

but crazy is good
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Guest 7 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

that was not nice to say stupid you rude person. you need jesuse

Guest 7 years ago

you probably thought it was boring because you don't know the vocabulary or you don't get the story
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Guest 7 years ago

i like this books name and its story its awsome.

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